Automation Project
Client – Holy Trinity Primary School
Location – Wimbledon, London, SW19
Magpie BMS Services Ltd were called to investigate the feasibility of replacing the existing window control switches located in the classroom and most of which were malfunctioning or damaged. These switches enable staff to open/close windows for ventilation purposes.
The original Windowmaster ®, window control system was found to be obsolete. As there was no information on how the switches worked, we had to investigate how the switches interfaced with the Windowmaster ® controllers.
Each original switch had 3 buttons, one to open, one to close, and one to stop the window in any position. Our engineers looked for a solution where we could replace the existing switches with a proprietary single-gang plate solution. In conclusion, we settled on a solution which used MK 2-gang grid with a 2-way retractive switch for open & closed control and a 1-way retractive switch for stop control.
In addition, the client also required, 2 of the window switches in common areas that could only be operated by a key, to stop the pupils from not interfering with them. As the windows controlled by these switches are only required to either fully open or fully close, we used a key operated retractive switch in lieu of the stop switch.
After we spoke to the school’s Business Manager, at Holy Trinity School, the feedback was that members of staff are very happy that they now have reliable control over their classroom windows.
All of the automation controls were designed in our in-house workshop.
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